Training courses
Optimise your investment with a Helitune Training Course, specifically tailored to your requirements. From System User to System Manager, all levels are provided in an easy-to-follow informative manner.
The Helitune customer support team has extensive experience in RTB and Vibration monitoring on many different aircraft types. As such Helitune are able to offer courses to suit the customers’ needs, be it from basic vibration instruction (non-equipment specific) to on-aircraft specific requirements (equipment specific).
Helitune Training Courses, particularly those of a general nature, are open to all, but specifically orientated towards the solution of practical everyday problem situations that are encountered by the aircraft maintenance engineer using Rotortuner equipment.
All courses, except Aircraft Integration, can be carried out at Helitune’s facilities in the UK, USA France, Germany or Italy, or on-site with the customer. By default, the Aircraft Integration courses need to be carried out on-site at the customers’ location with access to aircraft and pilot.
Specially tailored courses can be organised to suit the customers’ requirements at any time. Please contact us

1 - 2 day introduction to basic vibration and rotor track and balance course.

This course provides the operator with the knowledge to be able to use the Helitune RT-6 system.

3-day aircraft integration training that takes place at customers location - requires aircraft availability.

1 - 2 days RT-Vision software training course available at Helitune or at customers own location.

This course covers all areas of using the Helitune RT-5JS+ system.

This course covers all areas of using the Helitune RT-2000 system.

This course covers all aspects of using the Helitune RT-Balancer.